November 7, 2021

Miami warehouse

Me and my friend had been running a surfing board business on the west coast for years. As our products started to become more and more popular, we figured one coast wasn’t enough. It was a bold step, no doubt about that, and we definitely met some obstacles along the way. One of them was the warehouse situation in Miami. That’s what I want to talk to you guys about today. So, we came to Florida will all of our gear. The store was prepped and everything worked fine with the office and administration things. New employees that seemed great and the waves were awesome. You know, couldn’t have been better. Until we talked to our landlord. Apparently, there was a misunderstanding regarding where we could keep our stuff. We thought that we had access to our own warehouse in Miami, attached to the store we were renting. There was a small warehouse right next to our shop, on the same street in Miami, so we just counted on that. Turned out that that was not the case. Bummer. We asked if the landlord could help us find another warehouse in Miami. Since we had never been in the city before, it might be easier to get help from someone who knows his way around. We got a cold no, so we had to look it up ourselves. Warehouse in Miami. Where do you even start looking? You tell me, we couldn’t find anything by just walking and asking around at least. We sat down by the computer and googled warehouse in Miami. Unsurprisingly, a lot of companies and places showed up. One promised more than the other and it was hard to understand what we should be looking for. We just started calling different companies. We explained our situation and what we needed and listened to how they approached the pickle we were in. Most of the ones we talked to were very impolite. They really pointed out how stupid it was to not look this up before. That’s a statement that we definitely agree on, but now we needed help. One warehouse in Miami outperformed the others though. The warehouse belonged to one of the most renowned delivery companies though, not just in Miami but in the whole U.S. Without hesitation, we accepted their offer and very soon after, the problem was solved. Thanks to our new warehouse in Miami, we can now finally enjoy settling down on the south-east coast!

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